4 Steps To Enable Google Analytics Site Search on WordPress Sites

This is to all my fellow blog marketers who use wordpress to manage their blogs / websites. I have written a small tutorial ( don’t worry there are plenty of screenshots ) to help you get most of your wordpress blog as well as Google Analytics. The Problem – Issue Many of the websites have…

How To Visualize Your Hard Disk Space Using SpaceSniffer

Space Sniffer- Find Lost disk space

I ran out of disk space in one of my hard drives few days back. As that particular hard disk was of 1TB ( ya you heard it right, it was of 1TB ) – I decided to make some free space by deleting some unwanted files. Now if you are a bit disorganized like…

WhatsApp For PC

Are you lazy chatting on whatsapp using your smartphone. Sometimes feel your PC would be better to chat – while working. Well good news is that you can easily install WhatsApp on your PC and use it to send free messages to your friends and colleagues. To install whatsapp on your windows pc, you will…

Categorized as Tips

List of How To Get Google Apps For Free Post Dec 6th 2012

Hi, So its official – Google has discontinued free Google Apps version which allowed upto 10 free user accounts for organization / company. Source: http://mashable.com/2012/12/07/google-apps-for-businesses-free-version/ http://googleenterprise.blogspot.in/2012/12/changes-to-google-apps-for-businesses.html Just as Google has stopped free version of Google Apps there have been several posts on how to bypass / get away from this restriction and still use Google…

Categorized as Tips